Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday - Half Past Autumn Questions Part 2

  1. I define success as the ability to be able to look back upon your initial starting point and to be proud as to how far you have progressed as an individual. 
  2. I gave up parts of my individual character that were not contingent with my success to attain my dreams.
  3. Parks relinquished his common sense when he gave up his position of nonviolence. He also gave up inputting his creativity and individuality in his photography to make money from films. 
  4. Genevieve Young's father was 
  5. Parks was advanced $10,000. 
  6. Elijah Muhammad offered $25,000.
  7. Parks refused the money because he wanted to make movies out of his love for film-making, not out of desire for wealth.
  8. The Learning Tree was the first movie directed by an African American.
  9. Shaft was the first African American hero to appear on television.
  10. Gordon's weapon of choice was his camera.
  11. Genevieve Young said that things beyond our control happen sometimes.
  12. Odyssey is similar to
  13. Gordon Parks Jr. passed away in a plane crash.
  14. My favorite photo by Gordon Parks is the one with a black mother and her daughter standing at the movie theater.
  15. In 10 years, I will remember Parks for his passion for photography and the human spirit.

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